Monday 8 February 2010

Some Books

Here are some of the books from my shelf which I've found helpful in reading Galatians.

Martin Luther: A Commentary on St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, available in various editions mine is hardback, James Clark & Co, 1978.

John Calvin: vol 11 in Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, Paternoster Press, 1996.

I think both the above are also available on the ccel site, Christian Classics Ethereal Library - here.

R Alan Cole: in the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, pub 1965

FF Bruce: The Epistle to the Galatians, pub 1982.

From the above both Calvin and Cole are shorter volumes and often brevity is a real blessing in a commentary. Cole is older now and although I don't have it I suspect I would like and would want to comment Tom Wright on Galatians in his Paul for Everyone series.

Bruce is always good, don't be put off by this volume being subtitled, 'A commentary on the Greek Text'. If you have some Greek then Bruce will serve you well, if not, you can use with profit Bruce's comments borne of long experience teaching Paul.

I really like Luther on Galatians. This is a volume which would be read with benefit to anyone, especially Luther on chapter 2 which I think it just great. It isn't a short volume and sometimes the concerns of Luther as he lectured in 1531 are not exactly ours, nevertheless, it repays careful reading.

What books do you have on Galatians? What have you found helpful?

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