Saturday 17 July 2010

Judges 18:21-31

Judges 18:21-26
Micah calls out his household and gives chase to the tribe who have stolen his idols. Notice how Micah speak about these things, ‘You have taken away my gods that I made’. How could he not notice, he a creature of the Living God is now upset because the gods he made have been stolen.

If I have made it, it isn’t God. God made me, I did not make God. Even to say such things betrays how far from truth and Godliness Micah has fallen.

How often our casual words, words spoken in haste or anger betray where our hearts lie.

Micah sees his gods stolen and fears that he is left with nothing. To be without God is indeed to be left with nothing, no hope, no peace, no future. But our God cannot be stolen from us because he is the one who keeps us in his powerful hands – not the other way round.

Judges 18:27-31
The people of Dan do gain an piece of the land for themselves. But it turns out not to be the promised land they gain.

It is a land polluted by idols of their own choosing. They worship gods that are not god, they worship in ways that are not the Lord’s ways, they set up priests not called to this task by the Lord.

They could hardly be further from the promised land if they had set up home in Hawaii.

How easy it is to think we are making a home for ourselves with the Lord, and forget that he is the one who makes a home for us and calls us to live in that home in ways that honour and please him.

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